during major training exercises, or while performing humanitarian missions in relatively secure and
developed areas. Levels 2 and 3 are intermediate steps between the baseline and optimal levels. Staffs
may use a matrix to designate protection requirements for specific missions or areas, to clearly identify
and quickly notify units of changes, or to notify newly arriving units of the rules in the AO.
1-17. Environmental-Baseline Survey. Many operations require fixed facilities, structures, or other
real property for logistics, command and control (C2), administration, communications, billeting, base
camp, or other mission purposes. If the tactical situation permits, commanders conduct or direct an
initial EBS before occupying the AO. The initial EBS serves as a tool to assist in determining whether a
parcel of land is acceptable for military use. The initial question should always be whether the site is
healthy for soldiers. The initial EBS documents the proposed site's existing environmental-conditions
and the likelihood of past or ongoing activities that may have created environmental, safety, or health
problems. These problems include contamination of air, soil, groundwater, and surface water by toxic
substances or petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL).
1-18. Initial and Closure Environmental-Baseline Survey. EBS documentation becomes extremely
important at the end of the mission or upon completion at a facility. At that time, a closure EBS is done.
Examples of areas to be addressed in an EBS are listed below. A complete list may be found in FM 3-
100.4, Chapter 2.
Property description and condition.
Soil type and land cover.
Water supply and source.
Air quality.
Signs of contamination.
1-19. Environmental-Conditions Report. As soon as time and conditions permit, a more formal or
updated EBS and site assessment may be completed. The periodic use of environmental-conditions
reports (ECRs) will assist the unit in both maintaining environmental standards and documenting their
stay at a site/area.
1-20. Unit Planning. Staffs integrate environmental-protection into planning for larger units. Unit
leaders integrate environmental-protection into unit planning for battalion and company-level units. Unit
planning includes SOPs, OPORDs, risk management plans, and training plans.
1-21. Standing Operating Procedures. Unit leaders develop SOPs reflecting environmental-protection
considerations for routine tasks and activities. SOPs provide information to soldiers on how to
accomplish routine tasks in an environmentally sound manner. SOPs incorporate local requirements. As
local requirements change, unit leaders update their SOPs. Unit leaders ensure that the SOPs comply
with local requirements by coordinating with the higher HQ staff.
1-22. Orders or Plans. Unit leaders address environmental-protection in their plans and orders,
including WOs, OPORDs, OPLANs, CONPLANs, and fragmentary orders (FRAGOs). The higher HQ
staff develops an environmental appendix or annex to its OPORD, OPLAN, and CONPLAN.
Subordinate unit leaders draw environmental information from the environmental appendix to the